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Most Recent Commentary

July 2024

The Tandem Report

The first half of the year is now in the rearview mirror. And, the first six months of 2024 marked one of the strongest rallies to start the year since the lead up to the dotcom bubble in the late 90s.

By: Benjamin “Ben” Carew, CFA
July 2024


Last month, strength in the market-cap weighted S&P 500 and the tech centric Nasdaq persisted with both indices logging their second straight monthly gain and fifth monthly gain since the start of the year. The S&P 500 rose 3.5%, while the Nasdaq…

By: William “Billy” Little, Jr., CFA
June 23, 2024

Notes from the Trading Desk

Markets experienced continued strength throughout the first few weeks of June as the S&P 500 logged its third consecutive weekly gain, up for the eighth week in the past nine. The benchmark index closed higher by 0.61% last week, bringing its month-to-date…

By: Jordan Watson, CFA

Tandem’s Timeless Commentary

July 2021

Sometimes Analogies are Just Easier to Understand

The U.S. stock market continued its relentless move higher. Having posted its best 12 month return in more than 30 years last quarter (56.36%), the S&P 500 Total Return Index cooled off only slightly, recording a 40.33% return for the 12 months…

By: John B. Carew
October 2020

More or Less is Better Than In or Out

Recency bias is examined while comparing the correlation between the market and the economy. The question of when to get in or out of the market is often examined by investors – the goal is to avoid binary outcomes to produce less…

By: John B. Carew
July 2020

The Fox and the Hedgehog

Tandem’s “One Big Thing” is to act as a hedgehog – having patience in a volatile environment. It can be tempting to move money around for short term gain but staying the course will pay off in the long run.

By: John B. Carew
October 2019


In the realm of investing, volatility brings opportunity. Weighing risk vs. reward is an essential component of successful investing.

By: John B. Carew
April 2019

The Dividend

Consistent repeatable growth in earnings can sustain consistent, repeatable growth in dividends. In a marathon, consistency is a hallmark of success. Some may enjoy the excitement of being the hare, but we all know that the tortoise wins the race.

By: John B. Carew
January 2019

This is How Cash is Supposed to Work

The well-known matter of buying low and selling high is often oversimplified. When dealing with volatile markets, exercising quantitative disciplines increases the likelihood of profitable returns.

By: John B. Carew

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